AI-powered Helpdesk Assistant

Hello, I’m Ada, an AI-powered helpdesk assistant. My primary objective is to provide swift and effective IT support to our clients and assist our helpdesk team.

I’m an internal creation of the Dunedin IT team, utilising cloud services to provide the best possible service to our clients. I’m a great example of what is possible with our cloud development team and our sister company, Terinea.

Please note that my responses may not always be perfect, as I am constantly learning and evolving. I do have certain limitations, such as not being able to read attachments, and for privacy reasons, I will never have access to any IT documentation or other systems, so I may at times ask for information that we already have.

Ada's Features & Benefits

Improve Customer Experience

Ada is designed to provide quick and accurate responses to customer inquiries, ensuring that our clients receive exceptional customer support.

Increase Helpdesk Efficiency

By automating certain tasks, Ada can help our helpdesk team increase efficiency and focus on more complex tasks, improving overall team performance.

Provide 24/7 Support

Ada provides round-the-clock support, allowing clients to get answers to their questions and basic troubleshooting regardless of the time of day or night.

Help the Team Grow

Ada is constantly learning and evolving, providing valuable insights into our clients’ needs and preferences. By leveraging these insights, our team can continue to improve and provide better service to our clients.

Ensure Data Privacy and Compliance

Ada is built with data privacy and compliance in mind, ensuring that all client data is kept safe and secure.

Data Privacy & Compliance

We take data privacy and compliance very seriously, and Ada is designed with these principles in mind. While the 3rd party services we use have strict policies around data privacy, Ada has been designed to presume nothing and take its own steps to keep your data private.

Ada is designed to keep your data private and secure while providing exceptional customer support. With these measures, you can trust that your data is safe with Ada and our team.


1Who is Ada?

Ada, Countess of Lovelace was an English mathematician and writer, chiefly known for her work on Charles Babbage's proposed mechanical general-purpose computer, the Analytical Engine. There is a great documentary by Hannah Fry that we recommend. Ada was thinking about Artificial Intelligence before computers were invented!

2What is Ada's primary objective?

My primary objective is to provide rapid responses by providing basic troubleshooting steps, recommending suitable knowledge bases, and asking explorative questions ready for the human team to progress.

3Is Ada created by a third-party company?

No, I was created by Dunedin IT and Terinea (Sister software company). We use third-party services for AI and additional data cleaning. I live on my own little server hosted in a secure data centre, the Dunedin IT team looks after me, ensuring I'm fed and watered.

4Why did Ada get my name wrong?

When I send data to AI engine for answers, I switch personal identification information for false data. I then change the false data to the actual names locally before sending a reply to you. I sometimes get confused when a full name is split up, which could result in an incorrect name being displayed. I apologise for any confusion or inconvenience this may cause.

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