Case Studies

Anyone who has ever spent their hard-earned cash on a personal trainer, will most likely have received the same initial piece of advice. You can’t out-train a bad diet!

Our customer Natural Ketosis take that simple advice to the next level with their Low Carb Ketogenic Diet brand, which they believe can play an important part in weight loss, sports performance and blood sugar management, amongst other benefits.

After a number of years of successful growth in their online business though, they needed to understand their customers more deeply, and unlock the intelligence in their business data. Our solution design firstly involved reviewing all the sources of data from which information should be extracted, before using Power BI to deliver this knowledge to the business.

Amanda Crosbie, Sales and Marketing Manager was keen for the organisation to improve their customer experience, by using this knowledge to better communicate their products and advice. As their offering evolved and the customer base grew, Amanda and the team felt restricted by the systems across which the key data was spread.

“Understanding our consumer behaviour is really important to an online brand like ours. The frequency and timing of purchases and the demographics of our customers are absolutely key to how we plan the business going forward. It’s important, for example, to know in detail what marketing activities work well, which approaches connect with certain types of consumers, and which don’t. We now have this information at our fingertips, with the ability to drill down into the detail where required.”
Amanda Crosbie
Sales and Marketing Manager

Dunedin IT's Delivery Process


The delivery process developed in stages, with requirements evolving as Amanda and the team understood more about what was possible using Power BI.


Regular review with our Design Engineer meant we could react with agility when changes and additions were required to the insights the solution needed to deliver.

Power BI

The beauty of Power BI lies in the ability to process and converge data from multiple sources, without the need for specialist programming, and then present it in easy-to-interpret visualisations.

“Working with Dunedin IT, we’ve been able to make a huge step forward in developing our customer communication and their solution ensures that we can focus on using the data, rather than trying to work out how to produce it. Easy navigation and clear presentation mean that we can use real-time information across our e-commerce platforms to drive our product innovation. In a competitive market-place, understanding these trends is key to our future success.”
Amanda Crosbie
Sales and Marketing Manager

Centralising Information for Effective Analysis

Whether you are looking to identify patterns in your customer behaviour, or analyse web and social media engagement, optimising your business strategy is greatly enhanced using cloud development tools such as Power BI. Data-driven decisions are critical in successful businesses, whether it’s in Marketing Analytics or Supply Chain Management.

Because let’s face it, you can’t perform on a diet of bad information.

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