How VR Training is Saving Lives

What is it

After four consecutive quarters of declining virtual reality headset sales, VR for training is turning things around for the industry. Headset sales for training is expected to reach $2.2 billion by 2022, according to Greenlight Insights, prompting companies like start-up Pixo VR to make the switch from gaming to VR training.

Now, VR is widely used to train employees at major companies like Walmart and Chevron. At Tyson Foods, VR safety training reduced injuries and illnesses by 20 percent.

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What we think

Virtual reality (VR) has been the next big things for the last 20-30 years.

Although when you see the example of the training exercise with the firefighters in the video, you can see the possibilities.

Cost of hardware is coming down, and combine with a diverse App store; the technology could become mainstream, or certainly not unusual sight in the SME market.

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